This past week has been one of the most personally rewarding time periods for me in the past two years.
Those of you that have followed my blog for some time probably know that in March 2007 I came down with an inexplicable and still undiagnosed neurological disorder that left me in almost constant pain with muscle spasms and cramps in my lower back and legs. I spent the better part of 2007 in and out of the hospital, seeing specialists and being tested for everything from AIDS to Cancer to MS. I've had multiple MRIs, CT scans, X-rays, ultrasounds, myelograms and neurological tests (most of which where extremely painful - think Taser and you'll be close). My condition is still undiagnosed although I have medication to help control the muscle spasms and pain. Its taken me the better part of two years to recover my strength and more importantly, my self confidence.
Before all this I was a seven handicap golfer that played 2 - 3 times per week. Giving up golf allowed me the opportunity to rekindle my love for photography, a career I had given up in the late 70 s. I began this blog a little over a year ago to help me focus my craft, limber up some creative muscles that had lain dormant for far too long and most importantly to help me regain a measure of confidence that when God closes one door, he always opens another, if we have the courage to walk through it.
Earlier this week I was able to photograph some of the most beautiful areas of central Texas ever seen. I visited locations that a year ago would have been impossible for me to get to in my condition. I went well beyond what I ever thought possible carrying my camera, lenses and tripod. I hiked miles under the scorching Texas sun, climbed up and down shear rock faces to get the perfect angle and spent hours waiting for just the right light. I know I didn't walk this path alone and many times felt the Lord's strong arms helping me when my strength just wasn't enough.
I hope that the images I share with you all in the coming weeks will refresh you, inspire you and help you along your journey to becoming the great photographers that I know you all are! And I thank each and every one of you for allowing me to share my journey with you.

Rough Terrain - Inks Lake State Park, Texas
Copyright 2009 Jeff Lynch Photography
Shot taken with a Canon EOS 40D set on aperture priority (Av) using an EF 24-105mm f/4 L IS USM hand-held. The exposure was taken at 28mm, f/8 for 1/400th of a second at ISO 100 on Sandisk digital film. Post capture processing was done in Lightroom 2 using Nik Software's Color Efex Pro plug-in filters. Click on the image above for a larger version.
Posted in Photography Tagged: Canon, Canon 40D, Inks Lake State Park, Landscape Photography